Selasa, 06 April 2010

Top Notebook ComputersNowhere is the popularity of netbooks easier to spot than on As of February 2009, viewing the top selling laptops on the online shopping giant’s website reveals that most of the five best selling laptops are netbook computers. Cost conscious computer shoppers have made netbooks an overwhelming success.

Perhaps you’re considering buying a netbook and would like to know more about them or maybe you’re curious as to why they have become such a major hit with consumers. The following is a brief overview of netbooks and a discussion of the factors that have led to their popularity.

A netbook is a newer kind of computer designed for maximum portability and ease of use. Netbooks are significantly smaller than traditional laptops and lack a conventional notebook’s speed and processing power. Netbooks typically run Windows XP Home or a version of Linux specifically tailored for the netbook.

Prices for netbook computers run from roughly $350 to about $500 at this time. Top selling netbooks presently include models from Acer, Asus, Samsung , Dell and HP. Most computer makers have, however, incorporated a netbook or a line of netbooks to their offerings in order to meet the swelling consumer demand.

While netbooks lack the computing power to run resource intensive applications directly on the netbook, WiFi

capability is a signature feature. This makes it quite possible to stay connected via email, use Internet based software and perform most standard computing operations albeit using a smaller display screen and keyboard. Netbooks are no replacement, however, for desktops or even most traditional laptops.

The popularity of netbook computers stems from their portability and affordability. Computer users wanting an inexpensive laptop that traveled well and was capable of fulfilling their basic needs were a segment of the market that had traditionally been underserved. Netbooks resonate with the user who doesn’t need the latest bells and whistles or the fastest processor and doesn’t want to have to pay for such.

Computer components are constantly in a state of getting faster, more powerful and often smaller. As the technology continues to evolve, consumers may soon see netbooks evolve as well. Future netbook computers may come equipped with more power and more robust features. Presently, netbooks provide an alternative for laptop buyers looking to save money and have mobile access to several useful features.

As price and ease of use are key factors for consumers wanting to purchase a laptop, the appeal of the netbook computer is simple to understand. While netbooks offer less flexibility and computing power, they ably address the needs of a segment of the market that desires portability and basic functionality. When technology improves and netbooks evolve in stride, the distinction between laptop and netbook may become less clear.

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Jen Peterson is always on the go and takes her pink laptop everywhere. Her interest in notebook computers led to the creation of her website devoted to pink laptops. If you have ever wondered where to find pink Dell laptops, Jen surely knows so drop on in.

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