Senin, 10 Januari 2011

Futuristic Concept Laptop Designs

Technology grows too fast and to keep ourselves synchronized with the modern trends, we must take into account every progress whether that may be of past or of the future.

Compiled below is a list of the most futuristic concept laptop designs, some of which have won achievement awards while the rest are just too cool to know about.

Take a look and let us know which one of these do you think will most likely embrace reality in coming times.

Samsung Amoled Concept

Futuristic Concept Laptop DesignsAMOLED concept notebook by Samsung features a unique design which is thin and sleek and a touch-sensitive keyboard which lacks tactile feedback.

LG Ecological Laptop Concept

Futuristic Concept Laptop DesignsLG Ecological laptop concept uses fuel cell batteries and features organic light-emitting diode (OLED) display technology, it received a Red Dot Award nomination for best concept design.

Compenion Laptop Concept

Futuristic Concept Laptop DesignsCompenion concept laptop by Felix Schmidberger consists of two sliding OLED screens, one of which can be used as a keyboard, where necessary.

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